Spatafora Chiropractic, P.C.
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Chiropractic & Acupuncture Services
Spatafora Chiropractic Health Care Choices
Spatafora Chiropractic, P.C.
offers Affordable Individual & Family Chiropractic Health Care.
Take Charge of Your Health!
Spatafora Chiropractic, P.C. offers Affordable Individual & Family Chiropractic Health Care.
This gives you the opportunity to take charge of your health when you need it!
Are you suffering from:
Back, Neck, Hip or Shoulder pain?
Do frequent headaches, numb or tingling fingers keep you from enjoying life?
Do you suffer from high blood pressure, metabolic issues, fatigue, intestinal problems?
Then you have come to the right place.
Dr. Spatafora is here to help you to feel your best again.
Specializing in Chiropractic Services, Physical Therapies & Acupuncture.
Spatafora Chiropractic offers affordable patients care. All new patients receive a free follow up!
Take charge of your health and well-being today!
Let Dr. Spatafora give you back the well-being you deserve!
To find out more about Individual or Family Healthcare Services call the office @ 970-260-2777
Optional Care Choice:
The Chiropractic Club
No insurance hassles, No high deductible and costly co-pays to worry about.
When you choose a Chiropractic Membership or a Acupuncture Membership you will receive UNLIMITED monthly care at a cost that you can afford!